Monday 17 June 2013

Teja Loans (1960)

Around the time the sixth decade of the last century dawned, there descended on the Delhi scene a strikingly impressive couple: Dr Dharma Jayanti Teja and his attractive wife. The word soon spread that the couple was very special, and almost immediately it became the toast of the town.

As it happened, Dr Teja was the first of the species that later came be known as the 'hugely successful NRIs.' He was said to have lived for a long time overseas, worked very hard almost from scratch, and earned a fortune by the dint of sheer enterprise and drive.

The Tejas threw lavish and glittering parties and they themselves were entertained by Delhi's creme de la creme. Politicians and bureaucrats were as anxious to befriend the Tejas as they were to cultivate men and women of power and influence.Consequently, they had little difficulty in gaining access to Jawaharlal Nehru who, as a respecter of achievers, was happy to welcome them. This boosted their stock so much that there was a scramble to be on their right side.At this juncture the good doctor let it be known that he had earned the money he needed or wanted. He now wanted to do something for his motherland. Since shipping was his forte, he had made elaborate plans to expand exponentially India's puny maritime fleet. If only the government could see its way to make some initial investment, and he would work wonders.Some bureaucrats, particularly in the directorate general of shipping -- dubbed by Teja 'abominable no-men' -- expressed deep reservations about his claims. Inevitably, the matter was referred to the Cabinet. Nehru told his colleagues: 'Thoda kuch de do (Give him a little something).' The government machine translated this into over a crore of rupees.Today this amount would be laughingly dismissed as chickenfeed, but in those days it was substantial. It enabled Teja's Jayanti Shipping Company to buy a number of ships from Japan by the simple expedient of paying only the first instalment on them and launching these ships both ostentatiously and profitably.Possession of them enabled him to hypothecate them to acquire more ships or raise money. Jayanti's earning soared, and so did Teja's reputation as an entrepreneur extraordinaire.His lavish and jet-set lifestyle -- flitting from his villa in south of France the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York and rushing back to Delhi on way to Tokyo -- added to his mystique. By the time Indira Gandhi became prime minister, Teja was both an international celebrity and a national icon.If this evoked admiration and envy among many, it also bred anger of those who were opponents of Nehru and felt that Teja, while flourishing because of the prime minister's patronage, had acquired undue, perhaps sinister, influence in the highest circles.But Teja was unconcerned. As power passed to Mrs Gandhi after Lal Bahadur Shastri's death, Ram Manohar Lohia, the principal Nehru-baiter, demanded in Parliament as to what was Teja doing at Tashkent during Shastri's talks with President Ayub Khan of Pakistan.The then foreign minister, Swaran Singh, brought the House down by declaring: 'The hon'ble member's impression is a case of mistaken identity. There was a Teja at Tashkent but he is a Foreign Service officer, J S Teja, posted to our embassy in Moscow This did not prevent Lohia from insinuating that Teja had gifted a sable coat to Indira Gandhi when she was 'nothing more than her father's daughter.'Soon after becoming prime minister, Indira Gandhi went on an official visit to the United States. Dharma Teja was among the Indian tycoons that had gravitated to Washington and New York for the occasion. I had a nodding acquaintance with him, but I met him at some length for the first time at a dinner at the home of G Parathasarathi, India's ambassador to the United Nations at that time.It was a relaxed occasion because the prime minister had already left. The food was excellent and I particularly praised the jumbo prawns. Teja concurred with me but insisted that I should taste the even better prawns at his place in the south of France. I thanked him, but said there was no way I could stop by in France on way back home after finishing my work in New York.The next morning he startled me by phoning me to say that he was sending me a first class plane ticket to Nice so that I could join him and his wife there even for a day to share a seafood meal. I thanked him profusely, but declined the invitation.Sooner or later the bubble was bound to burst and it did so not with a whimper but with a bang. Teja's Japanese suppliers discovered, to their dismay that installments of payments due from him were no longer coming in. They therefore wanted to foreclose the sales of ships.
Others who had accepted these ships as securities for financing Teja were also up in arms. Crews of various Jayanti ships complained that they were not getting their wages.Investigations showed that Teja's financial empire was a mirage. Through his elaborate scam he had taken the Indian government as well as the Japanese shipyards for a ride. In any case, there was no way the government loan to Teja could be recovered.Consequently, the public sector Shipping Corporation of India took over and assimilated Jayanti Shipping. Teja was tried for massive fraud and sentenced to imprisonment for seven years.At the same time the word went round that his comely wife was at first his private secretary. She was cruising with him and his first wife, a foreigner, when the latter died on board in mysterious circumstances. What became of the lady nobody knows. Teja, however, died soon after being released from jail.

Courtesy : Hind

Mundhra Mess (1958)

It was the media that first hinted there might be a scam involving the sale of shares to LIC.
Feroz Gandhi
 sourced the confidential correspondence between the then Finance Minister T.T. Krishnamachari and his principal finance secretary, and raised a question in Parliament on the sale of 'fraudulent' shares to LIC by a Calcutta-based Marwari businessman named Haridas Mundhra.
The then Prime Minister,
 Jawaharlal Nehru, set up a one-man commission headed by Justice MC Chagla 
to investigate the matter when it became evident that there was a prima facie case. Chagla concluded that Mundhra had sold fictitious shares to LIC, thereby defrauding the insurance behemoth to the tune of Rs. 1.25 crore.

Mundhra was sentenced to 22 years in prison. The scam also forced the resignation of T.T.Krishnamachari.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Cycle Import (1951) :: List of Scams

In the year 1951 the then Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, S.A. Venkataraman, was jailed for accepting a bribe in lieu of granting a cycle import quota to a company. However, things were quite different in the case of Sirajuddin’s diary. After six years of cycle scam in the year 1956, it was found that few leaders of Orissa were giving commission to businessmen. A big businessman of North India, Muhammad Sirajuddin was found guilty. He was owner of many mines and a diary was found with him that proved that he had relations with many known politicians. But no action was taken in this regard. Consequently, the news got published after some time. Later the then Minister of Mines and Fuel Keshav Dev Malviya agreed that he took Rs. 10,000 from a mining owner of Orissa commission. Later, Malviya had to resign under pressure from Nehru.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Jeep Scandal Case :: List of scams

Jeep Scandal Case (1948)

VK Memon then the Indian high commissioner to Britain, bypassed protocol to sign a deal worth Rs 80 lakh with a foreign firm for the purchase of army jeeps. While most of the money was paid upfront, just 155 jeeps landed,the then Prime Minister Nehru forced the government to accept them. Gobind Ballabh Pant the then HOME minister and the then Government of Indian National Congress announced on September 30, 1955 that the Jeep scandal case was closed for judicial inquiry ignoring suggestion by the Inquiry Committee led by Ananthsayanam Ayyangar. He declared that "as far as Government was concerned it has made up its mind to close the matter. If the opposition was not satisfied they can make it an election issue". 
Soon after on February 3,1956 Krishna Menon was inducted into the Nehru cabinet as minister without portfolio.Later Krishna Menon became Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's trusted ally and the defense minister. No doubt congress has old habit of rewarding persons involved in scams. 

खाद्य सुरक्षा बिल या चुनावी मोहरा

भारत निर्माण पर "हक़" है मेरा या "शक़" है मेरा
यूपीए सरकार खाद्य सुरक्षा कानून लागू करने की जल्दी में दिख रही है। माना जा रहा है कि सरकार आज खाद्य सुरक्षा पर अध्यादेश लाएगी। कांग्रेस की नजर में यह विधेयक आगामी संसदीय चुनाव में गेम चेंजर हो सकता है।इस बिल के प्रावधानों में देश की 67 फीसद आबादी को अति रियायती दर यानी एक रुपये किलो मोटा अनाज, दो रुपये किलो गेहूं और तीन रुपये किलो चावल उपलब्ध कराना है।  हालांकि, कैबिनेट में इसके विरोध में आवाज उठाने वाले भी हैं, जिससे इसके पारित होने पर संदेह बना हुआ है। 
बदलते राजनीतिक हालात को देखते हुए मनमोहन सिंह सरकार .नही..नही..सोनिया सरकार खाद्य सुरक्षा विधेयक को लागू करने की जल्दी में है। विधेयक को लागू करने के लिए सरकार अध्यादेश जारी करने की तैयारी में है। संयुक्त प्रगतिशील गठबंधन के प्रमुख सहयोगी राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस पार्टी के अध्यक्ष व केंद्रीय कृषि मंत्री शरद पवार ने पिछले हफ्ते खाद्य सुरक्षा विधेयक को अध्यादेश के जरिए जाने पर अपनी नाराजगी जताई थी। 
विरोधी पार्टी इस बिल का पुरज़ोर विरोध कर रही है| उनका इल्ज़ाम है यह बिल जनता को फुड कम भ्रष्टाचार ज़्यादा देगी| सरकार भी बिल को लेकर पास कराने से ज़्यादा राजनीति का मोहरा बनाने में जुटी हुई है| शायद राजनेता भूल रहे है कि जनता उनके खे को पहचानती है|

जय हिन्द

आडवाणी :: सच या झूट का पुलिंदा??

भारत के आकाश पर चुनावी बदल छाए और नेता रूपी मोर नाचने लगे | अलग-अलग पार्टी में विभिन्य ग्रुप बन गये और नेता लगे नाच-नाच कर समझाने कि वही है इस देश के कर्णधाता जिनके बिना ना तो देश था नाही उनके बिना देशवासी रहेगाइन में सभी छोटी-बड़ीसत्ताधारीसत्ता-विहीन पार्टी और उनके चपरासी टाइप नेता से लेकर शीर्षस्त नेता शामिल है|
इन पार्टियों में एक पार्टी भारतीय जनता पार्टी भी है जो पहले जनसंघ के नाम से जानी जाती थी | उस समय इसका नेतृत्व ड़ा.  श्यामा प्रसाद एवं दीनदयाल उपाध्याय सरीखे नेताओं के हाथ था | अटलजी तब भी एक कद्दावर नेता थे जो कि संघ की बात तो मानते थे परंतु अपनी बात कहने और करने में पीछे नही हटते थे चाहे वह इंदिराजी को दुर्गा से तुलना करने की हो या चीन मुद्दे पर सरकार को घेरने की होआडवाणी उस समय अपना स्थान बना रहे थे परंतु उनका कद अटलजी से छोटा ही था और वह इस बात को जानते और मानते थेआप सोच रहे होंगे कि जब यह लेख आडवाणीजी के सन्दर्भ में है तो अटलजी का ज़िक्र क्योंवह इसलिए कि आडवाणी को समझने केलिए अटलजी को जानना ज़रूरी है|
अटलजी एक प्रखर राज नेता तो थे ही परंतु एक देश नेता भी थेउन्होने कभी भी राजनीति के साथ देश नीति का समझोता नही कियाउनको तथा उस समय के सभी शीर्ष राज नेताओं को पता था की बाबरी मसजिद विवाद एक टाइम बॉम्ब हैजिसका यदि हाल नही निकाला तो फटना निश्चित हैजब कि जवाहर लालइंदिराजी सरीखे नेताओं ने इस मुद्दे को ठंडे बस्ते में रखना उचित समझा वही अटलजी और चंद्र शेखरजी ने उसका हाल निकालने की भरपूर कोशिश कियाभारतीय जनता पार्टी का जन्म १९८० में हुआ१९८०-८६ अटलजी के पास इसकी कमान रही१९८६ में आडवाणीजी ने इसकी कमान लिया|आडवाणीजी अटलजी के भाँति सबको साथ लेकर चलने वाले व्यक्ति नही थेसमझदार होते हुए भी उनके विचार उग्र थेउनको अटलजी का धीमा रवैया पसंद नही था
उन्होंने बाबरी मस्जिद का हाल में बातचीत के द्वारा निकलना पसंद नही कियासोने पर सुहागा अनाड़ी राजीव गाँधी ने १९८५ में मस्जिद का ताला खुलवा दियाअब तो आडवाणी के विचारों को हवा ही लग गईउनको बाबरी मस्जिद विवाद में सता भी दिखाई देने लगीसाथ ही अटलजी और चन्द्र शेखर जी के प्रयास पर गहरा धक्का भी पहुचा | अटलजी के लाख विरोध ने बावजूद आडवाणी ने १९८९ में रथ यात्रा का आयोजन कियाफलस्वरूप १९९२ में बाबरी मस्जिद ध्वंस हो गई और साथ ही ध्वंस हो गई देश की शांतिआडवाणी को पता था कि इसके बाद भयंकर दंगे हो सकते है इसके बावजूद उन्होने इस काम में सहयोग किया वह भी केवल इसलिए कि उनको इस राह में सत्ता दिखाई दे रही थी|शायद वा सोच रहे थे कि सत्ता पाने के बाद उनको ही प्रधान-मंत्री का पद मिलेगापरंतु देश ने अटलजी को यह ज़िम्मेदारी दे दी|
२००४ के चुनाव तक अटलजी के तबीयत खराब होने लगी थीतो एक बार आडवाणी को प्रधान-मंत्री का पद फिर से सपने मे दिखाई देने लगापरंतु सोनियाज़ी छलावे के भाटी उनके हाथों से यह पद ले उड़ी और मनमोहन सिंघजी को इस पद पर बैठा दिया|२००९ में आडवाणीजी का सपना सपना ही रह गयाएक “कमज़ोर प्रधान-मंत्री ने उनको पछाड़ दिया और प्रधान-मंत्री पर क़ाबिज़ ही रहा|
२०१२ में आडवाणी ने फिर से सपने संजोएमगर इस बार मोदी उनके हाथो से परिंदा ले उड़ेआदमी दूसरों के हाथ मार खा इतना गम नही करता जितना अपनों के हाथ मार खा कर करता हैअतः आडवाणी बिखर गयेइस्तीफ़ा देते हुए उन्होने परोक्ष रूप से मोदी और कंपनी पर व्यक्तिगत राजनीति का आरोप लगाते हुए अपनी कुंठा प्रगट किया|

आडवाणीजी!! आप से प्रश्न है कि :-
1क्या यह सच नही है कि आपने रथ यात्रा अटलजी के विरोध के बाद भी शुरू की?
2क्या यह सच नही है कि आप जानते थे कि बाबरी मस्जिद का हल तकरीबन निकल आया था?
3क्या यह सच नही है कि आपने रथ यात्रा की शुरूवात केवल सत्ता पाने के लिए किया था?
4क्या यह सच नही है कि आप ने अटलजी पर उप-प्रधान-मंत्री पद के लिए नाजायज़ दबाव डाला?
5) क्या यह सच नही है कि आपने २००२ के दंगे के बाद आपने मोदी सरकार को बचाया?
6क्या यह सच नही है कि आपने व्यक्तिगत महत्वाकांक्षा के लिए युवा नेतृत्व को आगे आने से रोका?
7क्या यह सच नही है कि कर्नाटका सरकार में गड़बड़ हो की खबर पा आप चुप रहे?
8क्या यह सच नही है कि आपने अब तीन पद से इस्तीफ़ा देने के बाद भी एनडीके पद से इस्तीफ़ा नही दिया जिससे समय आने पर अपनी रोटी सेकी जा सके?
9क्या यह सच नही है कि आप अब भी प्रधानमंत्री पद पाने की ईक्क्षा रखते है और उसके लिए पार्टी के हित को बलिदान करने के लिए तैय्यर है?
अगर इन प्रश्नों का उत्तर "हाँहैसही बात तो यह है कि इनका उतर "हाँही हैतो आप झूठ बोलने के आरोपी हैअतः आप अब इज़्ज़त से राजनीति छोड़ "राम-रामही करे|
                                                                   JAI HIND